Introduce the Next Great Idea

Featured Sessions address how critical developments, both current and on the horizon, will impact the edible oils and fats, surfactants and detergents, plant proteins, and related sustainable materials industries.

As a leader of one of these sessions, you will develop and coordinate all aspects, including selecting speakers.

AOCS 2024

Criteria for Submissions

  • Proposed topics should be timely, relevant content.
  • Topic must be outside the scope of the technical program, i.e. a subject that is not covered in a regular session.
  • Proposals should include a minimum of three speakers with different affiliations.
  • Topics should include high-level context that is important to a broad range of attendees.

Steps for Submitting a Proposal

  1. Contact Steph Adams to discuss your proposal.
  2. Prepare a title, description, and proposed speakers.
  3. The topic will be reviewed by a committee.
  4. Once a topic and description are approved, staff can assist with confirming speakers.
  5. Submit the approved proposal to the online system.

The deadline for proposals is January 12. Please contact Steph Adams with questions about your submission.