Get Recognized for Your Research

Your passion for science is inspiring new ideas and creative solutions to global problems. At AOCS, we know finding a footing for your research can be hard.

Present at the annual meeting to connect with a global community of thought leaders and industry experts – giving you the tools to move your research forward and launch your career.

AOCS 2024


This year's student competitions will take place in-person in Portland, Oregon, USA. All students who submit an accepted abstract to one of the competitions and attend the annual meeting will be eligible. Presenters must be a student at the time of the abstract’s submission.

Student Poster Competition

Any student who submits a poster abstract accepted to the program is eligible to participate in-person in Portland.

All 10 AOCS divisions will sponsor their own poster competition. Judges will be poster session chairs from the respective categories. Judges will choose first and second place winners based on a common rubric. There will not be a separate poster pitch this year.

All posters are also eligible for an "audience favorite" in each category, which is selected by meeting attendees.

Prizes for each division

First place - $300, an AOCS membership and a certificate

Second place - $200, an AOCS membership and a certificate

Audience favorite - $100, an AOCS membership and a certificate

Protein and Co-Products Division Graduate Student Oral Competition

The Protein and Co-Products Division Graduate Student Oral Competition provides full-time students enrolled in a masters or doctoral degree program an opportunity to highlight their work relevant to protein and co-products, demonstrate their ability in scientific presentations, and receive important feedback from industry professionals.

The first-place winner receives a $200 cash prize and a recognition certificate.

The second-place winner receives a $100 cash prize and a recognition certificate.

Session moderators: To be announced
Judging panel: To be announced

2024 Student Competition Winners


Contact Lucas Censi at