Edible Oils Refining: Basic Principles & Modern Practices
April 26-27, 2025
Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, USA
Delivery Method: In-Person
Course Overview
Vegetable oil is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon found abundantly in plants, seeds, and fruits. Depending on the source and growing conditions, vegetable oil composition varies broadly. Manufacturers must consider several such factors when deciding on their approach to edible oil processing.
During this course, you will learn the processing steps that lead from an oilseed to a purified oil. You will learn how manufactures remove crude oil contaminants to achieve a safe, consistent product at the lowest cost. This course emphasizes practical applications and optimization, enabling you to make informed decisions in your plant operations and refine edible oils effectively.
There has been an uptick recently in interest in more naturally sourced products across every market sector. As a reflection of this trend, this year’s course will include a module on cold pressed vegetable oils and on pretreatments for producing biodiesel fuels.
Logistical notes:
- All course materials will be provided digitally only. Please plan accordingly.
- Coffee breaks and lunch are included for attendees and instructors.
Program description
New this year: Special modules on cold pressing and fuel production from vegetable oils.
This course is designed to help attendees understand the informed decision-making manufacturers use in edible oil processing as they progress from an oilseed to a purified, palatable vegetable oil.
This course provides the basics of the crushing process, but the primary focus is refining.